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Open Roboethics Institute

The Emerging Policy and Ethics of Human Robot Interaction

What ethical, societal, and legal implications should designers keep in mind when developing robots that interact with people?

When it comes to tackling roboethics issues and questions, the members of ORi have been supporters of open, interdisciplinary and international discussions. One such discussion on the topic of policy and ethics of human-robot interaction will take place on Monday March. 2nd, 2015 in Portland, Oregon, USA called the Emerging Policy and Ethics of Human Robot Interaction. This workshop – organized by Laurel D. RiekWoodrow HartzogDon Howard, AJung Moon (from ORi), and Ryan Calo – will feature panel sessions on the topic of robot morphology, autonomy, as well as robots in healthcare contexts (check out our program and the impressive list of panelists).

Accepted submissions on each topic outlines interesting positions, questions, and stories from the field, and are already made available for you online. With insights from our discussions, one of the goals of the workshop is to “create a working consensus document for the professional community.” Once the document is ready, the Open Roboethics initiative will be the first to share the document with you online.

If you’d like to have a say in the workshop discussion, but can’t attend the event in person, please follow us, the organizers (@LaurelRiek, @hartzog, @DonHoward2, @OpenRoboethics, @rcalo), and the hashtag #hriethics as we tweet away throughout the all-day event.

And of course, if you are in the area, please join us in person at Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront hotel (you can register on-site and can find registration information here).

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