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Open Roboethics Institute

Sign up to receive ORI’s AI ethics assessment toolkit

ORI is cooking up new projects and contents to share with you later this year. One of the projects that are keeping us busy and excited is an AI ethics assessment toolkit. It will be a free toolkit that outlines the step-by-step how-to guide to help you identify and assess ethics risks of real AI projects.

What does an AI ethics assessment look like? What can you get out of it? Much of our work is informed by industry work with our sister company and AI ethics consultancy, Generation R. You can take a read through one of the outcomes of an AI ethics assessment process here.

We are still making a list (of to-do’s) and checking it twice, and it will take us a while it is ready for a public ‘ta-da.’ But if you are as impatient as we are for the public launch and would like to send it to us as soon as it is ready, please sign up with your email now.

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