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Open Roboethics Institute

Should an autonomous car be able to drive around by itself?

Image by Robert Lachenman for the Work Projects Administration Federal Art Project, Pennsylvania

Image by Robert Lachenman for the Work Projects Administration Federal Art Project, Pennsylvania

A couple of months ago, we asked our readers whether a child under the legal driving age, a senior who is no longer licensed to drive, and a legally blind person should be allowed to ride in autonomous cars alone. We wanted to find out whether people have different feelings about the three different groups of individuals, all of whom are not licensed to drive, being able to ride in autonomous cars alone.

One of the most interesting results from the poll was that people were not as supportive of having children ride the cars alone than they were about a senior or a blind person. Discussions that ensued from this with the Robohub editor, Hallie Siegel, was whether people’s sentiments will be different about a car that drives without a passenger, or a passenger who are drunk or under the influence of drugs.

Let us know what you think by answering the quick three questions below:


  • David F.

    August 22, 2014

    I think you forgot about the idea that robocars should have been used for car-sharing, as a taxi – that picks you up and drops your where ever you want. if it’s not needed, it drives to a parking space (without passenger) and f.e. fills up the energy… Therefore – the questions itself are not really relevant? [Sorry, for the bad grammar, I am german ;)]


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