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Open Roboethics Institute

What do you think about autonomous cars?

autonomous carToday we drive our cars. In the future they’ll do the driving.

Autonomous cars are no longer a far-off futuristic dream, but something that we can expect to see on the road within the next decade.

But putting autonomous cars on the road requires a lot work, not only in getting the technology ready, but also in figuring out how we want the technology to shape the way we live. To get your help in shaping the future of the technology the Open Roboethics initiative, a roboethics think tank, with the help of Robohub, will be hosting a series of questionnaires.

Share your opinion with us by taking our survey below. 


  • Pingback: Autonomous Cars |

    April 24, 2014
  • will e freije

    February 1, 2015

    i am 88 years old – please get it on the market soon…for me for obvious reasons


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