- Our workshop’s publication: Riek, L.D., Hartzog, W., Howard, D., Moon, A., Calo, R. The Emerging Policy and Ethics of Human Robot Interaction. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2015.
- Cross-Disciplinary Glossaries: (1) Law / Policy and (2) HRI / Robotics
- Useful Bibliography:
- Riek, Laurel D. and Howard, Don, A Code of Ethics for the Human-Robot Interaction Profession. (2014). In Proceedings of We Robot 2014.
- Moon, A., Danielson, P., and Van der Loos, H.F.M., Survey-based Discussions on Morally Contentious Applications of Interactive Robotics. (2011). International Journal of Social Robotics.
- Solove, Daniel J. and Hartzog, Woodrow, The FTC and the New Common Law of Privacy (2013). 114 Columbia Law Review 583 (2014); GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2013-120; GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 2013-120.
- Calo, Ryan. America Needs a Federal Robotics Agency. Time Magazine, Sept 22, 2014.
- Original Call For Papers (CFP)